Helpful Links


If you have an addition to suggest for this page, let us know!

  • Raleigh City Servicesyou can get a lot done online
    Need to find your garbage/recycling pickup or leaf collection dates? Information on city utilities, transit, street and sidewalk upkeep, and more here.

    • Community Services Department
      Community Services Specialist for Five Points CAC –
    • Raleigh Police Department – Downtown District
      Non-emergency phone number: 919-831-6311
  • SeeClickFix.comReport neighborhood issues and see them get fixed
    SeeClickFix is a communications platform used by the City of Raleigh for citizens to report non-emergency issues, and the city to track, manage, and reply–ultimately making communities better through transparency, collaboration, and cooperation. The more neighborhood folks sign up and use the service, the better it gets.
    [The city recently revamped their internal reporting process, so if something with your experience using SeeClickFix isn’t working as you think it should, let the city know so they can improve the operation. Again, the more people do this, the more the city will heed our requests.]

  • City of Raleigh and Wake County iMAPS
    A well-made online tool (warning: Flash based) to access all real-estate records (parcel maps, deeds, etc.), city infrastructure. You can plug in your address and find out which services/zones/districts you are in, crime statistics, and too much more to list here.

  • North Carolina General Assembly – Who Represents Me? search page
    Find out your elected representatives at the state and federal level by address.

  • Wake County Public Schools – Assignments info, calendars, notices, etc.
  • North Carolina Board of Elections
    Register to vote, get sample ballots, find your polling place, etc.

the end