Phil Poe

Jan 152014

Below is the list of special conditions included in Special R-30, the primary zoning classification in our neighborhood today. This list of conditions was requested at the meeting last night.

Additional dwelling units or equivalent dwelling units on a lot (three (3) or more) or additional residential density (greater than twenty (20) but not greater than thirty (30) dwelling units per net acre), or both shall meet all of the following:

  1.  The materials, including their direction, dimension, and application, used on the exterior portion of the proposed building or additions shall be the same as those materials used on any two (2) or more existing buildings on the block face, provided that, any other material used on one-third (1/3) or more of the total block faces within the District is allowed.
  2. The proposed building or additions contain a main
    roof with a minimum rise-to-run pitch of four (4) to twelve (12). If three (3) or more roofs on the block face are multidirectional or multipitched, then any multipitched or multidirectional roof style located on the block face shall be used.
  3.  Any four-sided window and door pattern on the facade(s) of the proposed building or additions visible from an adjacent right-of-way, excluding alleyways, shall contain a minimum height-to-width ratio of one and five-tenths (1.5) to one (1). Other shaped window and door patterns may be used if they are found on the block face.
  4. The location, relative to the public street, of the main building entrance including the entryway level shall be the same as three (3) or more buildings on the block face. No upper story entrance shall be visible from an adjacent street right-of-way, excluding alleyways.
  5. The longest side of the proposed or existing building including its additions or the largest side of the proposed building does not exceed either one and one-half (1½) times its height, as determined from §10-2076, or the minimum height-to-width ratio found in three (3) or more buildings on the block face, whichever is greater.
  6. The proposed building lot coverage does not exceed fifty (50) per cent of the net lot area.
  7. All vehicular surface areas containing more than four (4) spaces that are located within one hundred (100) feet of any adjoining lot that is both zoned a residential district and contains a dwelling shall provide the same transitional protective yard as is required for high residential density uses in §10-2082.9(e).
 January 15, 2014  Posted by at 12:45 pm Neighborhood Rezoning No Responses »