Jun 082015
No, the Kids' Table will not be this large, don't panic ;-)

No, the Kids’ Table will not be this large, don’t panic ;-)

Historic Glenwood-Brooklyn Neighborhood Association needs you at our monthly meetings! Folks with young children who don’t have sitters lined up often can’t make it over.

HGBNA will be setting up a supervised Kids’ Table where your at-least-crayon-using-age children can sit and have an engaging fun time with our volunteer Kid Wrangler, Zoe Miller from Filmore Street, a rising Junior at Broughton High. Her mom Elizabeth Miller will be in charge of the program.

This table will have coloring and craft supplies, along with Zoe, an experienced and well-loved local sitter.

If bringing your children will enable you to attend the meeting, please email Elizabeth at HGBNAkids@gmail.com to RSVP so we are properly prepared.

If you know of folks who could attend the meetings if they could bring their children, make sure they know this is available.

Our monthly meetings will become even more important as we get into the proposed projects and the effort to keep our zoning protections as we are remapped to the new zoning code. We also have the Glenwood Avenue median refurbishment project progress to report, and our upcoming Block Party June 7th. And there usually are other ideas brought up as folks start talking.

We look forward to as many neighbors as possible participating, and hope the Kids’ Table will help. Do you have any other ideas? Know of any other teens who would like to help? Please let us know, either at the meeting or email Elizabeth, also via discussion on NextDoor or Facebook.

 June 8, 2015  Posted by at 2:26 am HGBNA, HGBNA meetings