May 172015

Raleigh News & Observer

Glenwood-Brooklyn’s remapping saga begins to get some press:

It’s a question of how to make technical definitions match, but the broader dilemma is how best to preserve a historic downtown neighborhood as the area grows. The houses in the neighborhood primarily were built between 1910 and 1940, many in the bungalow and craftsman style popular at the time.

Now, most of Glenwood-Brooklyn has an unusual zoning, one that comes with special rules about setbacks, heights and other architectural elements in the mostly residential neighborhood.

“That has given us protection from tear downs and very dense infill that would be out of character for the neighborhood,” said Philip Poe, a resident and member of a neighborhood committee that has tackled the issue.

Rezoning of historic Raleigh neighborhood proves tricky

Our monthly meetings will become even more important as we get into the effort to keep our zoning protections as we are remapped to the new zoning code. Did you know we are the last neighborhood in Raleigh to be remapped? That’s because we are a unique historic neighborhood with a special protected zoning status from back before there was such a thing as a Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) which is what many other old neighborhoods in this city now enjoy. How the old morphs into the new is a key issue this year.

 May 17, 2015  Posted by at 5:13 pm Neighborhood Issues, Neighborhood Rezoning, Raleigh  Add comments

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