Thanks for the great turnout, we had a great meeting.
Monday, October 26 • 6:30 pm to 8 pm
501 Washington St.
(same location as our last meeting)
Please note: be sure to bring a chair and make sure it’s not carrying leaves, etc. with it. (thanks)
Representatives of the Planning Commission will be on hand to explain the remapping process as we move to the new zoning system. This is separate from out effort to establish a Historic Overlay District and has its own implications for the future of the neighborhood.
It’s as important as the HOD, so please try to make it.
Of particular importance is the fate of a handful of properties that were all originally built as single-family homes—some quite grand—that are currently slated to be remapped as residential mixed use (RX-3). That designation greatly increases the likelihood that these properties will be converted into larger, more profitable buildings, most likely townhomes or apartments. This is important from a preservation standpoint, but it is also important from a quality of life standpoint.
A few facts about RX-3 before I let you go…
- allows max height of 50 feet (vs. 40 feet under R-10, plus height is regulated in relation to neighboring properties)
- requires a new building to have a wall, not a fence, surrounding the rear of the property
- allows retail on the first floor—provided the property is on a corner of two public streets (there are two of these in the neighborhood)
- Whatever the Planning Commission recommends is going to carry a lot of weight with the City Council, so it’s imperative that we make our wishes known. We’re setting a path for the next 30 years, after all.
A big Thank You! to Seven Event Studio for allowing HGBNA to meet at their location