May 122015

2015 Summer in the Park Concert Series

Raleigh’s 2015 edition of their popular Summer in the Park Concert Series continues on Sunday June 14. The shows are pretty much bi-weekly on Sundays and always start at 6pm

While series will continue through September at both Pullen Park and Fletcher Park, we of course will be following the goings-on at our own Fletcher Park.

There is no admission fee for the shows, but please bring a lawn chair or blanket for your seating.

May 31 at Fletcher Park – Milagro Saints, Folk, Rock, Country and Americana

June 14 at Fletcher Park – Raleigh Jazz Orchestra, Performing jazz from the entire history of big band jazz

June 28 at Fletcher Park – Village Band, Featuring a broad range of compositions from traditional to contemporary

July 19 at Fletcher Park – Nick Driver, Singer/Songwriter and Raleigh Native

August 2 at Fletcher Park – Triangle Taiko, Japanese Drumming

August 16 at Fletcher Park – The Moonlighters Orchestra, Not your typical Big Band!

More info here…

 May 12, 2015  Posted by at 10:55 pm Events, Raleigh, Summer in the Park Comments Off on in the Park Concert Series show – Sunday August 16
May 122015

HGBNA meeting May 19 2015

Don’t forget! Your neighborhood association is back to having monthly general meetings on the third Tuesday of every month, and the next one is on Tuesday May 19, 2015.

If you’d like to see a particular issue addressed, or want to bring up a topic, let Rachel know via the comment form or the HGBNA Forum email list.

We should hear about the status of the Glenwood Av. median refurbishment project, our Block Party coming up in June, and of course, zoning… so plan to be there. We may have a pilot plan to help those with children attend the meetings, look out for that notice.

Where: Jenkins United Methodist Church, 725 North Boylan Av., Raleigh
Time: 6:30 pm

May 112015

There is no shortage of fun this weekend!


From the Artsplosure site:
2015 marks the first year that the festival is THREE days and has the Art Market and live music stages on Fayetteville Street. Kidsplosure remains on just Saturday and Sunday and is centered in Moore Square. The free festival features dozens of events, such as:

  1. The Art Market with more than 170 visual arts and crafts exhibitors from across North Carolina and the nation [your webmaster knows at least one of our neighbors will be showing his work. An artisan must be very good to be accepted as an exhibitor.]
  2. Kidsplosure, showcasing multiple interactive educational activities and entertainment for children and their parents
  3. Specially-commissioned, large-scale, interactive visual art installations
  4. Aerialists and/or other unique variety performers
  5. The Student Art Exhibition, showcasing two- and three-dimensional artwork of Wake County public and private middle and high school students
  6. Ongoing performances by legends and rising stars from the national and regional Jazz, Blues, and Alternative music scenes, the majority of whom have never appeared in Raleigh, and emerging local and regional performers deserving of wider acclaim

Between Artsplosure and Tour d’Coop, your weekend is booked! And all so close to our neighborhood too.

 May 11, 2015  Posted by at 9:54 pm Art & Music, Community Events, Events, Raleigh No Responses »
May 102015
2015 Tour d'Coop Henside the Beltline

It’s already that time of year! The 2015 Tour d’Coop will be on Saturday, May 16, from 10 am to 4 pm. Big fun, your webmaster recommends this. If you can, take the bike tour of selected downtown area coops.

Tour d'Coop in Raleigh

Tickets are on sale now for the 2015 tour.

From the Tour D’Coop site:

The Tour D’Coop is a one-day garden tour in Raleigh, North Carolina, that seeks to educate visitors about keeping hens and delight them with garden ideas and inspiration. Open to adults and children, the tour showcases various hen houses and breeds. Coop owners are on hand at each location to discuss the how-tos of chicken keeping and there are opportunities for photographing and getting to know the chickens.

 May 10, 2015  Posted by at 6:53 pm Community Events, Events, Raleigh Comments Off on Henside the Beltline Tour d’Coop 2015 on Saturday May 16
Apr 282015

Neighbors, thank you to those of you who were able to attend the recent open meeting on April 21. Points discussed were:

Block Party – Rachel Kincaid. As of this writing, the party has been moved due to rain to Sunday, June 7. Help will be needed to re-distribute flyers closer to the day.

Call for Leadership Council volunteers – Rachel Kincaid Please let us know if you’d like to serve for a term as an officer. We need you!

UDO Overview, current status of our neighborhood, answered questions – Phil Poe

Streetside Historic Overlay – Brandy Thompson
Contact Brandy to get join the UDO committee:

Call for Litter and Home Tour Committee volunteers – Rachel Kincaid
The first Home Tour meeting will be Tuesday, May 19 at 5:45 pm at Jenkins Church. Please come with your ideas!
The first monthly litter pick up for Fletcher Park will be Saturday, May 9 from 9:30 to 10:30 am. See calendar on website for reminder and details.

Glenwood Median project – Rachel Kincaid, Jim Ward, Phil Poe
The latter two will head the project on our end. The Fletcher Foundation will find funding for beautification of the medians of Glenwood Avenue in our neighborhood. A committee must be formed to decide on a specific project request, then neighbors will be asked to pitch in to implement it. Please contact Jim Ward, committee head at If you’d like to see beautification, crosswalks and more, please join the short-term committee to see this through.

Please join us at our next open meeting on Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 at Jenkins Church.