Oct 252015

HODs? UDO? Remapping? Glenwood-Brooklyn info here

The new page with links and docs to help understand the myriad and many parts to these huge subjects and why it’s so important to learn.

Apologies to all who have been waiting patiently for this resource, it’s been an effort on our part as well 😉

Need more or different? Let us know:

 October 25, 2015  Posted by at 9:20 pm HGBNA, Historic District (local), Neighborhood Issues, Neighborhood Rezoning, Raleigh, Remapping Comments Off on New page with info – UDO, HODs, Glenwood-Brooklyn…
Oct 132015

Merry Merry
Hi neighbors, we are ready to begin nominating homes for the 2015 Holiday Tour of Homes. If you would like to help by recommending a home or homes on your block, please reply below with the address and we will include them. Also, if you might be available to place invitations on nominated homes in your area or on your street, please reply as well.

Many thanks, and we are looking forward to another great holiday tour on Saturday, December 5! More info to come.

Contact Rachel

 October 13, 2015  Posted by at 11:26 pm Events, HGBNA, Tour of Homes No Responses »
Oct 132015

Let's Preserve Historic Glenwood-Brooklyn

Our next neighborhood meeting is another special presentation, this time by City of Raleigh Planning staff to talk to us about the UDO and remapping our neighborhood.

Monday Oct 26, at the same place as our last special meeting about the historic district, the Seven Event Studio at 510 Washington St.

Put it on your calendar as this will likely be the only opportunity we’ll have to question these folks in depth.

More info is on the way.

Oct 132015

Raleigh Seasonal Loose Leaf Collection2015 dates for City of Raleigh leaf collection are out, Glenwood-Brooklyn is in Zone 11 for this service.

There are two collections, and weeklong windows for zones 2 & 11 are:
• Monday, November 30
  (after Thanksgiving weekend)
• Monday, January 25

There are weather make-up dates and info on how to make sure your leaves are picked up here: Seasonal Loose Leaf Collection Information.

Don’t forget you can always put your leaves and yard waste out every week on your trash pickup day (Thursday) as usual, as long as they are contained in trash cans, paper bags or clear plastic bags, so the crew can see what’s inside.

Check the link above as the dates get closer as they may change due to changing conditions.

 October 13, 2015  Posted by at 6:06 pm City Services, Raleigh No Responses »
Aug 282015

(how many acronyms can we get into the title? 😉

Greetings neighbors,

Hope you had a chance to attend the meeting on Monday night, but if not here’s a quick summary…

Tania Tully of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission, gave a good overview presentation on Historic Overlay Districts, their intent, how they work and how they are established. Her slides are enclosed, but there is more information on the RHDC web site. Doug Hill, staff member at the Planning Commission, was also on hand to answer questions about remapping.

The City is progressing with the process to create a Streetside Historic Overlay District (HOD-S) in Glenwood-Brooklyn, and it will be Raleigh’s first of this type (the other HODs are all “general.”) Most of the work falls to the City, but the one thing we are charged with is obtaining a signed card from every property indicating whether or not the given owner(s) support the establishment of an HOD-S.

We initially hoped to do this via the online survey, but it’s become clear that we need hard copy. So, to anyone who filled out the survey but didn’t provide name, address, etc… please go back into the survey when you get a chance and add that so we can get you a card to check off and sign.

We absolutely need everyone to fill out a card! Ask Bob, Gina, Phil, pretty much anyone connected with the effort, we will bring it to you.

See you then!

Your HGBNA team

 August 28, 2015  Posted by at 10:38 pm HGBNA, HGBNA meetings, Historic District (local), Neighborhood Issues, Neighborhood Rezoning, Raleigh, Remapping Comments Off on Special HGBNA meeting with RHDC presentation